
There are largely three things that are useful in writing history: written documents, tangible materials and words of mouth. Written documents are the reports on events and activities by contemporary people, especially eyewitnesses. Tangible materials are pots, paintings, buildings and so on that provide hint on how people lived. Among them, written documents are the most useful. Ever since our church started we have generated numerous reports. For example, when early members gathered for discussion and prayer, one of them wrote a meeting note or journal. When they had a major event like summer conference some made a report and shared it with others. This has spread as the number of chapters increased. Most of the chapters practice the same.

Nowadays our headquarters receives reports all over the world and posts them on the web site. Those reports have been organized and archived with easy access. They are useful and valuable in writing history. People can refer to them when they write history. They will be more reliable than one's own memory or hearsay. There are more reports than ever possibly posted or archived. We consider the annual reports written by chapter directors valuable. Every year chapter directors have the opportunity to prepare a report and submit it to their reporting chapter. We hope to collect them and post them in this site.