Korean Poem (Original)


There is the road to eternal life in His words
For those who are lost in confusion, emptiness and darkness
For all who are enslaved by sin.
It is the way of freedom.

There is grace of our Immanuel God in His words.
From everlasting to everlasting is our God above.
He became the lowest of the lowest servant
To be with the worst of the sinners
Learn of his humble incarnation.

His unblemished, holy body
Was torn on the cross by curses and condemnation.
Though our sins are like scarlet,
He poured out all his blood for our forgiveness.
Learn the true love in his sacrifice.

Until we are fully satisfied in his wisdom,
We will draw nearer and nearer to His words.
We will go back to the Bible.

On that day, all the people of all nations will gather as the cloud in the sky.
Those that are hungry and thirsty will journey toward Mount Zion
To drink from the living word of God.

Those who mourn will be comforted.
Those who are imprisoned will be set free.
And the dried bones of the dead will comeback to life.

Let us, go back to the living word of God.
We will obey the words of Love with gladness and joy.
We proclaim to the nation the truth of God.

October 5, 2013
Author: Hanna Ryu
Translatror: Little-Sarah Kim