
In 2013 Paul Lee contributed the chronicles and a photo gallery.


2000: Pioneering North North York UBF began. Msn. Paul & Joan Lee’s family and Msn. Andrew & Hannah Han’s family from Toronto UBF were sent out to serve the pioneering work.

2001: Deborah Yoo and Esther Kim came to Canada to study English. Then God touched their hearts and helped them to live as missionaries. Missionary Sarah Kim joined the pioneering work as well.  

 2002: Louise Perdomo and Amanda Vance came to Bible study and grew as stewards of God’s work.

2005: Purchased Bible house near the Seneca college campus. Msn Isaac &  Rebekah Kim’s family, Msn. Moses & Deborah Noh’s family and Msn. Joseph & Esther Song’s family moved to the UTSC campus area and serve the UTSC campus ministry. (Msn. Isaac Kim offered his house as a Bible study house)

2006: David Jung and Daniel Kim came to study English and made a decision to live as a missionary.

2011: Paul Lee Jr. and Msn. Lydia Shin established the 1st house church among the Canadian second generation children.

2012: A Korean Shepherd Abraham & Rebekah Kwak’s family purchased a house for her daughter Hannah Kwak and offered a Bible study space in the house for pioneering UTSC.

Present: Recently Msn. Moses & Deborah Noh’s family moved to the Rideau UBF. 7 Missionary families and 1 second generation family serve God’s work for Seneca College and UTSC campuses.